
good dark mode shadows & elevation

so i'm obsessed with filmcraft animation now

when did it all get so real?

showing up to sundance film festival without a plan

the perfect daily video kit doesn't exi—

wtf is Editor Advocacy?

What's in a Website?

a diy editing bootcamp through videographic exercises

Behind-the-Scenes of a Major Motion Picture Trailer... for an app

Waterfalls, Wheels, & The Editorial Process

Experiments in generative video with image prompting

Experiments in generative audio for temp sound mixing

Reimagining Video Editing @ Sequence

bay area for movie lovers

Ryan McIlraith on editing for rapid VFX at SNL

Zen & The Art of Recipe Development

SNL's Sean McIlraith on editing 'Three Sad Virgins'

so i'm obsessed with collecting these now

sticky notes for Premiere Pro's freeform media view

HyperCard to HyperBoring

EDC-ED (Every-Day-Carry Editing Drive)

There's something going on with YouTubers...

Spatial Compositions in Columbus

San Francisco as depicted in the limited series Devs

Eyes Wide Shut is a GREAT Christmas Movie

The Green Knight be like HEADS WILL ROLLLLL

The Year of Liminal Time + Space

Endless Stream of Fuzzy Edges

Dataism & Dadaists

placeholder media template for Premiere Pro

design theory vs. editing theory

Exploring the Kuleshov Effect through meme edits

Creating "The Open Letter"


demo - code

demo - custom components

demo - video
